Plymouth Philharmonic Choir – Things to know before you go!
We are always looking for new members but if you are thinking of joining a large choir like ours you might feel a bit daunted. Anyone is welcome to watch a rehearsal to see what we are all about. There is no audition involved.
We rehearse every Thursday from 7:15 pm (September to June) at Meade King Hall, Plymouth College. PL4 6RN.

If you would like to speak to someone about membership and other enquiries please contact our Membership Secretary Pat Brodie: pat.brodie@outlook.com 01752 330337
It helps, but it isn’t essential – as long as you have an ear for the music and are willing to learn and rehearse in your own time.
Most rehearsals are on Thursday evenings at 7:15 in Meade King Hall, Plymouth College (see the maps on our
contacts page for directions). You can park on the premises (behind the hockey pitch) if you get there early enough – space is at a bit of a premium!
You will need to have a pencil to mark (gently) the scores, which are hired in from libraries, and a rubber is useful. Or you can happily mark away in highlighter pen if you buy your own copy. If you want to do that then Delia in the altos will help you.
You may also want to bring a bottle of water to help keep your singing voice in tip-top condition and some money for refreshments.
We meet for rehearsal at 19.15 sharp – it’s better to arrive earlier than that so you can meet up with friends and have a natter before (and not during) rehearsal. All rehearsal dates and venues are posted on the choir’s page of the website – you’ll be told how to log onto this when you join.
Christopher Fletcher is our conductor and fearless leader.
Then there’s the ‘Head Choir Girl’ and Secretary-extraordinaire Jen Millward, who you probably contacted first about joining us – she’s there to help keep us all organised.
The committee members are also there to help.
These guys are the people who look after each voice section – they are the folks to go to if you have any questions or concerns.
If you need to borrow a copy of the music you can collect one from the score reps (sometimes this will be your voice rep) – they will also need you to return the scores to them, once the concert is completed, or earlier if you are unable to sing in a concert.
There is a break at 20.30ish of 10 minutes, before which there are general announcements. Announcements also appear on the choir notice board, newsletter and on the choir’s website. There is an opportunity to hydrate, as well as meet other choir members, during the break, when a lovely cup of warm hot chocolate, coffee or squash is on sale, and usually cake too.
As the Choir is self-funding, we need to raise money for performances and hiring of scores etc. You can pay £1 per month for a number and a chance of winning a prize sum each month.
The preferred way is by cheque made payable to Plymouth Philharmonic Choir, and you can pay this to the choir’s Subscription Secretary. This can be paid in total in November (following the AGM), or in equal amounts in November and February, or occasionally you can come to an agreed arrangement with the subs secretary. If you are studying you can be a member of the Choir for only £10.
You sit with your vocal section. As with any club or society people tend to like to sit in the same place and when singing you get used to the same voices around you, so when joining just ask which seat is free and join in.
We usually perform in the Guildhall on Royal Parade with a full orchestra and soloists who join us for the occasion. While this is being refurbished most of our concerts will be in the Minster Church of St Andrew in Plyouth.
The Choir requires the help of all its members to be able to make it work. We have people who help run refreshments and the book and CD stall; members who help with advertising, as well as those who help set up the stage and seating for performance. All of the committee members volunteer their time to help with the running of the choir. Don’t be afraid to offer your services – you never know how your hidden talents will help the choir, e.g. we have sold Christmas puddings (which were absolutely delicious) and some members have run marathons to help raise funds through sponsorship. If you’re not that fit, never fear – there are always ways you can help – just speak to a committee member and tell them what you’d like to do to get involved.
This is held in October on a rehearsal evening, and it gives you a chance to hear how we’re doing. We are still able to have a good sing following the AGM.
Well, you can take flyers and posters (both A4 and A5 size) from the table outside the rehearsal room and put them up in work, local shops or give them to friends and family to advertise our future concert. But the best thing to do is sell some tickets!!!!!! Be unashamed at encouraging and coaxing friends, family, neighbours, work colleagues or even total strangers to buy a ticket. Ticket sales are our life-blood, but equally importantly we believe our performances are very good, and we want as many people as possible to hear what we can do.
At the end of the rehearsal, some of us go to the Hyde Park Pub for a well-earned beverage. This is a great way to meet the other members in a relaxed environment.
When we perform concerts we use black folders for our music which can be bought from the choir. You do need to get one of these in order to be able to perform.
Ladies: you are required to be dressed in black (which is très chic); ¾-length sleeves at least and long trousers or skirt. Gents: you’ll need a black shirt, trousers and shoes.
You can take a summer holiday and go with the Choir, sometimes abroad, and whilst there do a couple of performances. Over the years we have visited Cambridge and Ely with a concert in the Cathedral, Rouen, Norwich, Brittany, Liverpool, and the La Rochelle region of France. Usually the holiday choir is about 30 strong and partners often come along too as there is also time for sight-seeing and fun.
So there are some pointers to get you started – the main thing is to come along, enjoy yourself and meet new people.